Cindy and her husband Geoff purchased the acreage that her Glass Gallery now resides on, back in 1992. Originally they erected a quaint shed to reside in as they built their home from self made mud bricks, with the thought that it would make a lovely granny flat / teenage hangout space in the coming years. Along the way Cindy began experimenting with her first glass work in their shed-residence, and shared the minimal workshop space with her husband. After they moved into their new home, Cindy continued in the development of her glass work, and the caravan was added as extra working space. The initial gallery space was still in the form of a “shed” and even included a bed to the side with a small space housing a portion of work that people could view upon appointment only. As time went by it became apparent that every man needed their shed – but so did this woman… Workspace continued to remain cramped and an extension was inevitable if Cindy’s marriage was to survive!
In 2009 after a year of travel, Cindy returned to the workshop with new-found inspiration and upped the anti. The caravan got the flick, Geoff got his very own new shed, and Cindy converted the old shed into “Section Glass Gallery & Cafe”, which today continues to remain the home of her working studio & professional glass gallery. There was an internal fit out, and even paving from the house – which meant Cindy no longer had to trudge through mud and puddles to get to her workshop. After many years of the gallery being compromised with no purpose built display area or workshop, and second hand bits and pieces furnishing the space – the Section Glass Gallery & Cafe is now the home of awarded glass artist Cindy Poole’s working studio and gallery, which houses her extensive body of work.
Today, the Section Glass Gallery & Cafe is recognised as a creative and stylish space, with vibrant and welcoming staff. The gallery that Cindy is proud to call her own “special place”. The now hugely successful business continues to grow and improve, and her marriage has survived! …although Cindy & Geoff steer well clear of each other’s shed space.